
Different children benefit from different therapy approaches. After assessment, we’ll help you choose and combine just the right services for your child.


Face to face therapy with your speech pathologist within the Talkabout clinic, at your home, at school or at any other location. Therapy is highly individualised and perfectly matched to your child’s needs and current skill level. This is generally the preferred option for most speech sound or language interventions, particularly if your child’s school offers little classroom support.

30, 45 or 60 minute sessions are available, all of which include planning, therapy materials, homework, and communication with other professionals (e.g. doctors or classroom teachers).


Group intervention is not only an economical option for speech sound or language therapy, it can be beneficial in its own right. Children work together and with their speech pathologist to learn and practice speech sound, language, social, and play skills in a supportive and friendly environment. For children experiencing mild delays, group intervention can also be good for therapy “bursts”, for example, during school holidays.


Within-clinic , group sessions generally consist of one speech pathologist with 3-5 children. School or home-education groups can be larger and include other adult facilitators. Please contact Talkabout for information on currently available group-based interventions, with times and pricing.


The Hanen program It Takes Two to Talk is a group program for parents of language delayed toddlers and pre-schoolers (0-5 years). Either one-on-one or in a small group setting, your speech pathologist will help you put in place practical language intervention strategies based on your everyday interactions with your child, such as bathtime, breakfast and playing in the park.


Includes pre-program consultation, individual visits from your speech pathologist and planning and feedback sessions, either one-on-one or in a group. Please contact Talkabout to check on group pricing and availability.

Speech Sound Clinic

An economical option for experienced parents only!


In this parent-administered therapy program you and your child spend only a short face to face session with your speech pathologist each week. During this session, data will be collected and you will be provided with the resources and coaching you need to help your child on the next step of their therapy.


If you’ve already been through speech therapy with one child, and have a good understanding of what’s involved, Speech Sound Clinic might be for you.


Includes planning, ongoing assessment, therapy materials and one weekly fifteen minute session with your speech pathologist.  

Literacy Clinic

A parent-administered program to boost your child’s literacy learning, from pre-K to Year 6. Suitable for home-schooling families or parents with other teaching experience.


Includes planning, resource recommendations, homework and one weekly or fortnightly half-hour coaching session with your speech pathologist.

Inservices and Workshops

Workplace inservices are an efficient way for your staff to learn about areas such as early speech and language development, techniques for eliciting speech and language, supporting children with specific difficulties (e.g. hearing, working memory) or any area involving speech, language, literacy, socialisation and play.  


Inservices are tailored to the needs of your organisation. Please contact Talkabout to discuss details and pricing. Fees may be reduced or waived for some community organisations.